The dreamful poet

The dreamful

The dreamful poet wants to sing a playful song
About the beautiful and passionate desire
About the special place where he might belong
Where whitened clouds can keep the fire

The dreamful poet wants to play with lyre
So, thee might like its nice and tender sound
The clouds of playful muses could inspire
Where pure notes of it are wandering around

The dreamful poet wants to share own world   
The world of dream and special stories
The world of flying thought and spoken word
That has to help thee leave thy worries

The dreamful poet wants thee to pretend   
That thee are tiny moth at magic, starry night
So, thee can find the powers to contend
Thy unique destiny and flight to sparkling light

The dreamful poet wants its dazzling beams
To touch thy poor soul with lovely heat
So, thee might find the truth of foggy dreams
Let sacred way of wishes be complete


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