The foolish demon

It happened at the fall; there was the ruthless night
I had a dream; a foggy day refused to show me light,
The demon squeezed my throat and loosing breath
I heard my rattle, crunching bones and coming death

The foolish one had plan to take the soul of mine,
But sharpened row of canines bit the empty space
This killer terrified cause found just forces waste
It started howling wild and stinky pus of speeches

He dared send to God: “Yeah, I was tricked so deftly!”
“So, where’s the soul? And what is your cunning dodge?”
And divine voice from cloud said: “I saved the poor soul”

“It is having fun in paradise instead of your bloody lodge”
“It found its peace”; my body made a grin at demon softly
And multitude of Saints shook Heavens stage with laugh
