Turn the sun off

Turn the sun off, here's my time ending step by step.
Turn the sun off, here's the night standing up in doorways:
Dark eyes, and dark arms, and dark minds sometimes and always,
Dark voices sounding like she in the cradle trap,
       My doughter breathless...
Then will I cry, I will hear scaring moonlight howlings.
They'll expel me, they're expelling me from my depths.

Help, 'cause I need you much more than a soul mate.
Come, shut my winter up, she's laughing at me crying.
Help, could I ever be stronger than the cold undying,
Or I'll surrender my fortress and my casemate
       Freely, no firing.
My chest is empty, not warming and yet not funny.
My ribs become a receptacle, darkness' crate.

I used to kill and to bury my vital pain,
Know it's not easy to swallow the words condemning.
Bark like a pack of wild dogs, can no muzzles restrain it.
Truth is a bone in my throat, it's a needle and thread
       Leading right to the ending...
Never will I need a winter, I know, it's fading.
So turn it off, if you feel you should go away.
