My personal opinion about some events

6th December 2016
Great Britain, Nottinghamshire

My personal opinion about some events

Europe, Ukraine, Donbass, a place of living Russian and Ukrainian Christians of white race, locals, with plenty Ethnic as Jewish, Belorussians, Polish, Russians, Ukrainians, Azerbaidzhanians Muslims, Tatarian Muslim -  damaged houses, properties in towns and villages, damaged schools, churches.   

The some damaged properties in Arab Muslim countries, in Muslim areas in Iraq, ... in Siria - in Islamic Country.   ...   

I read about 800 killed women of Muslim group in Iraq area in 2016 just for 1 days, as a hiddem situation (Saddam Hussein may be as an Angel to compare what is now here, probably?),   

In my personal  opinions, I put the all similar events as a mass killing women and kids, civilians in Europe and other areas of a planet together
(* In Donbass, - in Europe in Ukraine in Donbass as locals of European white race mostly they are Russian Christians and ex-Soviet Citizens and their lids and grandkids, but a mixture of plenty Ethnic Groups - Russian, Ukrainians, Polish, Belorussians, mix of German and French and Italian and Wuropenas and Scottish and British decendents,   Christian and Muslim and Jewish religion groups here, 
*more of them liked to use English language as their Second language, leaning it as a foreign language by their choice from their childhood age from the primary school age, in secondary schools, in Universities, making all local population in Donbass as a base of resource for English-language speakers and fans of English language above the common Russian language and Ukrainian language;
**the mass killings of women in Muslim areas - some reports were for 800 deaths of killed local Muslim women just for 1 day in one area)
so, mass killing women of local human Homo Sapience race in their origin local living areas, a mass death of plenty Muslim and Christian women on the planet of The Earth are now   !! 

==> :: This is A Biological War (!) against all human race Homo Sapience (!!) on the planet The Earth!!! (!!)  as this is the huge reduction (!) the level of numbers (!) of  local Homo Sapience population in areas of their origin and a living.   

==> : This is The Biological War againts all Homo Sapience race, as a greatest hateness of all humans, women and kids by someone as much powerfull with huge ideas to kill plenty innocent civilians, to kill others to reduce numbers of all local population on the planet. 

The Biological War on The planet The Earth.   

This is my personal opinion and thoughts about these events..

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

My personal opinion about some events
The Biological War on The planet The Earth
