Rejoice... ccp-18-08

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С Творцом-Душой
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ccp-синие стихи ру
18-08-дата обновления

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'1.   Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.  Micah 7:8 HCSB

This one absolutely gives me chills.  I found this passage in a daily devotional my mother gave me called “hugs:Daily Devotions for Moms.”  Do you know what day this is on?  I’ll give you one guess.  OK, I’ll tell you.  December 12th.  Does that ring a bell?  (If you’re a new reader, probably not!)  December 12th is the day my daughter Kathryn died.   The devotion is about sadness, loss, depression, and how to respond when we’re hurting.  Amazing.  I still get chills when I look at that page.  And I remember that God finds ways to talk to us.  And I can rest knowing I am in His hands.

2.  No matter how little we can change about our circumstances, we always have a choice about our attitude toward the situation. ~ Vonette Bright

Can I get an AMEN!!!  If that isn’t the truth, I don’t know what is!  Attitude is everything!  And when I have a good attitude, I see things differently, I can be stronger, I can persevere, even when life is kicking me when I’m down.  (Although I’m the first to admit it’s not always that easy! That’s why I surround myself with the people who will remind me of what is good in life!)  If you agree with me on attitude, you might want to check out my post Mamas Don’t Let Your Kids Grow Up To Be Haters.

3.  Most assuredly, I say to you that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; and you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy. A woman, when she is in labor, has sorrow because her hour has come; but as soon as she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world. Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you. John 16: 20-22

So much promise in these verses!
4.  “The mention of my child’s name may bring tears to my eyes, but it never fails to bring music to my ears.” ~ Unknown

This quote is just to explain to others that it is ok to talk about Kathryn.  It is ok to remind me of her.  She makes me strong.  Knowing how she suffered and fought for her life, even if it was only for a very brief moment in time… she is a great source of strength and perseverance for me.

5.  Life is not easy for any of us.  But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves.  We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained. ~Marie Curie

Marie Curie is one of the first females I remember studying in school.  What a brave and dedicated woman, and how much her discoveries have changed the world!  I try to remember on days that I feel small and worthless that I too have a purpose and a gift.

And one of my all time favorite quotes (not necessarily about strength and perseverance)
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away. ~Hilary Cooper '
title="Quotes for Strength and Perseverance" rel="nofollow"

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'Your very respectable character would make me ashamed to
address you with words merely of form. I hope therefore you
will not suspect mc of using any such, when I assure you I re-
ceived the favour of your letter with very great pleasure. And
permit mc, sir, to join the thanks I owe to those worthy women,
the holy sisters at Ephrata, with those I now present to you, for
the good opinion you, and they, are pleased to have of me. I
claim only that of respecting merit, where I find it ; and of wish*
ing an increase in the world, of that piety to the Almighty, and
peace to our fellow-creatures, that I am convinced is in your
hearts : and, therefore, do me the jusdce to believe, you have
my wishes of prosperity here, and happiness hereafter.

I did not receive the precious stone, you were so good to send
me, till yesterday. I am most extremely obliged to you for it.
It deserves to be particularly distinguished on its own, as well as
the giver's account. I shall keep it with a grateful remembrance
of my obligations to you.

Mr. Penn, as well as myself, were much obliged to you for re-
marking to us, that the paper you wrote on, was the maimfac*
ture of Ephrata : It had, on that account, great merit to us ; and
he has desired our friend, Mr. Barton, to send him some sped*
mens of the occupation of some of your society. He bids mc
say, that he rejoices to hear of your and their welfare.

It is I that should beg pardon for interruptijig your quiet, and
profitable moments, by an intercourse so little beneficial as mine;
but trust your benevolence will indulge this satisfaction to ofiie
who wislics to assure you, sir, that she is, with sincere regard,
your obliged and faithful well-wisher,

Juliana Penw.

Mr. Pf.teu Miller, President of the Cloister at Ephrata.'
title="Full text of "Memoirs of the life of David Rittenhouse, LLD. F.R.S., late president of the American philosophical society, &c. interspersed with various notices of many distinguished men: with an appendix, containing sundry philosophical and other papers, most of which have not hitherto been published" " rel="nofollow"

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'I want to share with you a few lessons I've learned on how this happens so you can experience this transformation too.

1) It Takes Time and Training

The first thing to know is that this transformation is not instantaneous. It is a process that requires commitment, effort, desire and faith.
Additionally, based upon my own experience, this process takes place in a community that has the ability to train and equip believers and then release them into situations in which God will move in power through them.

If you desire to learn to walk in the supernatural with miracles, signs and wonders following, then a good first step is to find a community of believers who are moving in the supernatural with integrity and with fruit that gives witness to the glory of God. Seek out a church or faith community with pastors who are committed to develop, by practice, a greater sensitivity and accuracy in the operation of the gifts—especially the gifts of the word of knowledge and prophecy. These gifts have a connection to healing, especially inner healing.

These pastors must strive to understand the ways of God in relation to the ministry of healing. They need to grow in their understanding of the kingdom of God and discover how to operate in the gift of faith, working with the Holy Spirit to create an environment that is more conducive for faith to occur in the people of the congregation. And they must possess a desire to equip believers by offering training and by facilitating opportunities for healing in their services and training schools.

2) It's About God's Glory

Ministering in the supernatural is all about giving glory to God. The focus is never on those of us who minister. When I pray for healing and someone is healed, I am not the one who healed them. Jesus is the healer through His finished work on the cross. The ministry of healing flows from the cross of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.

There is a commensurate relationship between how much glory is given to God and how much we, the church, out of obedience and intimacy receive revelation from God of what He wants us to do. The stronger this relationship, the more we can act in faith and in the authority of His name.

3) It Requires Faith

It takes faith to allow the power of the Spirit to flow through us to others, and God has gone to extremes to create faith in us. He gives us the Holy Spirit, who gives the gift of faith. He gives His words in the Bible, with its tremendous, almost unbelievable promises to encourage our faith and be the basis for our faith. He gives us promises about healing and about miracles and about authority granted to us in Jesus' name. He tells us that all things are possible—that we can command the mountains to move into the sea and that we can have what we ask if we do not doubt.

On top of all this, He anchors these promises in the covenant through the sacrificial death of Jesus, who bore our sicknesses and diseases in His body when He was crucified, just as He bore our sins, trespasses and iniquity. (See Isaiah 53.)

Ministering in the supernatural is often spelled risk. Clergy and laity alike must be willing to step out in faith, believing God is who He says He is, if they are to flow in the supernatural.

4) It Means Learning From the Scriptures

One way you can begin to build your faith for healing is to find all of the passages in the New Testament that deal with healing and study them, asking the Holy Spirit to teach you about healing. As you study the healings in the Gospels, you will build your expectation and your understanding of the ministry of healing with Jesus as your model.

The more time you spend in God's Word, the more intimate you will become with Him. We must be intimate with the Father if we are to walk in His supernatural ways, just as Jesus was intimate with the Father.

In John 16, Jesus tells His disciples, "I am going to the Father." Then He says, "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you" (vv. 13-14, NIV).

This is a picture of the Trinity. We ask the Father in the name of Jesus, then the Holy Spirit comes and enables us because Jesus has given us the authority, and this in turn brings glory to the Father and the Son.

As we become more intimate with each Person of the Trinity, we begin to see the connection between revelation, which is about hearing from the Father, and sanctification, which is about obedience. We obey Him because we love Him, and out of our obedience flows a fruitfulness that gives witness to God's glory in miracles, signs and wonders.

5) It Accompanies the Gospel

The power to heal and to deliver is part of the gospel, and as such it should accompany the proclamation of the gospel. Jesus' coming made the power of the kingdom of heaven and of God available to us who have entered the kingdom in the present and are waiting for the consummation of that same kingdom.

The gospel of Jesus and His apostles was the gospel of the kingdom of God. This kingdom dawned with the coming of Jesus and is to be ever increasing. The gates of hell will not be able to stand the advance of the church with its message of the kingdom of God, which is based upon the revelation that Jesus is the Christ. Like leaven, the kingdom is to eventually leaven the whole lump—to affect all the systems of the world—just as the mustard seed continues to grow until it is the largest plant in the garden.

About one-fourth of the verses in the Gospels deal with Jesus healing someone or explaining healing or going to heal someone or commissioning His disciples to heal the sick. This emphasis on healing continues in the first recorded history of Christianity, the book of Acts. It is also evident in the epistles, with their mention of signs and wonders and the ministry of healing as the primary display of a sign or wonder.

Paul, near the end of his most doctrinal epistle, says, "For I would not dare say anything except what Christ has accomplished through me to make the Gentiles obedient by word and deed, by the power of miraculous signs and wonders, and by the power of God's Spirit. As a result, I have fully proclaimed the good news about the Messiah from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum" (Rom. 15:18-19, HCSB, emphasis added).

God's calling card—His main plan of evangelism—is to demonstrate His power through healing and deliverance. The power to heal and deliver is not given to prove the truth of the message of the gospel but to demonstrate the message of a compassionate God who cares about our lives here as well as in the hereafter.

6) Its Fruit Is Joy

When we understand the authority we have in Christ, we will be better able to embrace the joy He has for us. You see, Jesus has a joy for us that cannot be taken away. It is a joy that springs from authority—an authority given to us to ask and receive. In the finished work of the cross, we can ask the Father for anything in the name of His Son, Jesus.

In His own words, this is what Jesus tells us about this joy: "Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete" (John 16:22-24, NIV).

Let me share a story about how this joy erupts when we walk in the flow of the Spirit of healing. I was ministering in Brazil in 2003, and as I was preaching, the Lord gave me an impression that I was to take oil and pour it out on the concrete floor and then tell the people that God said, "There is a river of healing right here, like the Pool of Bethesda, and when you come up and stand in this river, I am going to heal you."

I felt certain it was a word from God, and because I was willing to take a risk in faith, I set about to consecrate the word by pouring oil on the floor and inviting people to come up and be healed.

A man came up with severe neuropathy. He could not lift his feet from the floor. All he could do was shuffle with the assistance of a walker. He was also bent over, not because of a bad back but because of the oppression that was on him.

But he made his way to the front and got into the "pool." And God started healing him. The man was able to lift up a heel and then a foot, and then he started walking normally, without shuffling. And then his back began to straighten up, and his head came up too. Hope came upon him, and as it did, it began breaking the oppression.

The man straightened up tall and continued to take steps, and the people saw it. They began to clap for him and to praise God for the miracle that was happening. And then he threw aside his walker and continued to walk, and the people went crazy with praise because they had seen him come from the back with his walker, bent over, shuffling his feet until he had reached the Pool of Bethesda. He came in faith, he was healed, and there was great joy.'

href="/go/charismanews DOT title="After 43 Years of Ministry, Randy Clark Shares 6 Keys to Walking in the Supernatural" rel="nofollow"

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"Многие функциональные заболевания и расстройства представляют собой разбалансировку энергетического состояния органа или системы, когда они не способны удерживать свою энергию в равновесии. Через них при определённых условиях (перегрузках, нервных расстройствах, неправильном режиме) происходит утечка энергии. Орган, вроде бы, и цел, и анализы нормальны, а наблюдается боль, слабость и прочие неприятные последствия. Так что такой орган напоминает брешь на корпусе корабля. Повреждена его энергоструктура.

При наличии высокочастотной энергии эта брешь закрывается, восстанавливаются энергетические потоки и нормальный энергообмен между органами. Здоровье поправляется.

Так что связь между духовностью и здоровьем – самая прямая. Духовная энергия лечит лучше любого лекарства, лечит качественно. С другой стороны, высокая духовность – это профилактика от всех болезней. Она для организма – как дезинфицирующее средство. Микробы, бактерии, как всё низкое и тёмное, не выдерживают чистой высококачественной энергии. Духовной энергией можно лечить любые болезни, даже рак и СПИД. Но для этого она должна быть особенно высокочастотной, чистой.

"Любовь Семья Дети""

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