Wake up


What  are you doing with your live?
Today and tomorrow – doesn't change,
Doesn't change..

What do you want to get?
Nothing matters, anyway,
Until you realize your mistake.

You avoid people that want help to you.
Why do you do wrong conclusion?


Open your eyes and wash away your tears.
What are you doing? You are killing yourself.
It’s not what I deserve,
Stop, for my sake.
Your space filled with hatred,
You drown in your own frustration.
Wake up, do you hear me?
Wake up.


I’m tired of fighting, you don’t react,
You look through me – I hate it,
I hate..

You ignore everyone who wants to help you
What do you want to get?
Admit your mistakes.

Your mind, your soul drowning in your doom,
Save yourself, otherwise you die soon..
