Some Facts about Two Cats
1)Blackie is lucky
to have tolerant Greg
as a friend:
he wakes Greg up at five
when Greg is hardly alive
at such small hours
and runs away,
cunning and gay,
to smell the flowers.
2)My Zyama-cat
is brown and fat
and I'm glad
to have such a cat:
I don't need a pillow
lulled by a billow
of my sweet dreams
and that paunch of his
warms me - his Miss.
3)Zyama likes to look swell. В карту не хочу взглянуть -
He is not educated well! Образован я чуть-чуть!
He is facing away from the map Лучше отвернусь от карты
looking for a new cap! В поисках красивой шляпы!
4)This dandy cat is a bit fat Толстоват я потому,
'cause he doesn't like rat! что мышей я не люблю!
He prefers chickens Лучше я поем цыпленка,
and carefully sleekens и украдкою в сторонке
his brown coat свою шубку оближу.
to conceal it's old! "Новую купил!" - скажу.
5)But Blackie likes reading. А Черныш наоборот
Instead of feeding про обед забудет! Кот
he would look through the book хочет книжки все прочесть:
by hook or by crook! в том большую видит честь!
And 'cause of that И ему диет не надо,
he is not fat. книжки - вот его отрада.
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