
Snow, you get to the right people,
With us you will feel very simple,
You brought us the Colombian wind,
Hunters for elusive supplier are blind.

Snow, white snow, walks around the city and
Snow, white snow, oh no, you still baby early
Snow, white snow, it will destroy you slowly
Snow, white snow, he came to you from Colombia sunny

Your nerves will scream,
stop please, we are tired,
but you continue,
you can not hear your cry inside

inhale the snow, inhale,
to always be happy boy.
but be careful approaching gale,
this snow will be your only joy.

Snow, white snow, walks around the city and
Snow, white snow, oh no, you still baby early
Snow, white snow, it will destroy you slowly
Snow, white snow, he came to you from Colombia sunny

This snow, make the most
sad person in the world happy,
but only for a time short,
slightly open the gates to heaven

and say, "Look, but do not touch, this is, where you will, never be! never be!

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