Thoughts of a Computer Scientist

There is irreducible uncertainty in the world.

We all are engaged in a desperate attempt to make our lives more certain, more deterministic, but it is an unsolvable problem, my friends.

There is no proof that an event will lead to a solution without getting into a cycle.

It is like using words to create other words, trying to understand each other.

In the deterministic sequence of words, we are following patterns of the common sense denial.

Human phenomenon is an example of the abstracted story about reality by exposing contradictions.

It is quite easy to make contradictory assertions without noticing it.

We know that there are hard limits of what we can explain without losing sanity about the fact that any sufficiently intelligent system will, nonetheless, be incomplete.

We are contained within assertions that cannot be shown to be true or false in the human life.

The world uncertainty will go away if we can prove that people can live without getting into same cycles over and over again, but this is a theoretically unsolvable mathematical problem.
