
They leaked like pain before.
They now are just words.
Can't bear anymore,
Although yes, it hurts.
Can't push them out now.
They got stuck in the throat.
They are my final vow.
This snow is my coat.
They whispered in my ear.
They screamed to you in pain,
Beholding love and fear,
And misery, and shame.
They leaked like silent blood.
They marred the white of snow.
They were my heart, my flood.
They were the final blow,
The seizure and the heat,
The vultures and the fort.
Unbeatable to beat.
Unbearable to hold.
They told you all the truth.
They screamed to you and cried.
They blessed the bloom, the youth.
They told you I have died.
They measured every day.
They treasured every night.
They said what I can't say.
They bled. They cried. They lied.
They worshiped you like god
They loved you more than light...
And they, unread, returned...
And, just like me, they died...

