Марианна Мур, 1887-1972
Подле разбитой мачты,
упавшей с корабля,
нашёл пастух-бродяга
фигурку чайки, проходя;
цвет ляписной лазури -
дар дальних берегов, -
поджав коралловые лапки,
расправив крылья,
клюв раскрыла,
приветствуя погибших моряков.
Черновик: 27 октября 2016 года
Born in 1887, Marianne Moore wrote with the freedom characteristic of the other Modernist poets, often incorporating quotes from other sources into the text, yet her use of language was always extraordinarily condensed and precise.
Marianne Moore, 1887 - 1972
Under a splintered mast,
torn from ship and cast
near her hull,
a stumbling shepherd found
embedded in the ground,
a sea-gull
of lapis lazuli,
a scarab of the sea,
with wings spread—
curling its coral feet,
parting its beak to greet
men long dead.
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