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Прошедших эпох удивительны лица.
Волнительна аура жизни иной.
Истории дух, колорит, в ней таится.
Как жили и мыслили люди давно,
Что было им дорого, знать интересно.
Картины и музыка, книги - окно
В мир прошлого.Он вдалеке,неизвестный.
Налёт романтичности к тайнам влечёт.
История - это былая загадка.
И ключ к ней найти,прочитать скрытый код -
Задача высокого ныне порядка.
Художник Ян Вермеер. Гитаристка.
Перевод Кирилла Ивницкого:
Each epoch has its own special her style,
And faces of past epochs are so awesome.
And we’d like to get into her for a while –
We are sure that with her we’ll have not to boredom.
Yes, how folks lived and thought long time ago,
What was dear to them – we’re asking these questions.
The pictures, the music, the books – they, sure, know
About the past life of different lands, nations.
And touch of romance leads us to the deep tynes,
Because our story is a former riddle.
Need to read this code and right key needs to find –
It is the hard work. And it is not to twiddle.
Свидетельство о публикации №116102201300
And faces of past epochs are so awesome.
And we’d like to get into her for a while –
We are sure that with her we’ll have not to boredom.
Yes, how folks lived and thought long time ago,
What was dear to them – we’re asking these questions.
The pictures, the music, the books – they, sure, know
About the past life of different lands, nations.
And touch of romance leads us to the deep tynes,
Because our story is a former riddle.
Need to read this code and right key needs to find –
It is the hard work. And it is not to twiddle.
Кирилл Ивницкий 02.11.2018 21:10 Заявить о нарушении
Всего доброго Вам!
Рудская Раиса Терентьевна 03.11.2018 02:48 Заявить о нарушении