That s how she is

To Eleonora M.
Committees, festivals and fora,
Which would be difficult to list –
That’s how she lives, Eleonora.
To say it briefly, that’s the gist.
But brevity, on this occasion,
Is not what we are looking for.
As, from America to Asia,
They use a more befitting form
They call a “speech”. So let us follow
This custom, taken as a fact.
Quite often, speeches may be hollow,
But ours will be fully packed
With deeds and dates, with facts and figures -
Since her long story was begun.
When she’s around, she always “triggers”,
Although she’s never had a gun.
Her “arm” is called determination -
From dawn to dusk, from pole to pole,
With which she fights for her own nation
And for the planet as a whole.
She’s never scared or bewildered -
A luxury she can’t afford.
That’s how she is and always will be -
Executive, just like the Board.
She’s never favoured sitting pretty,
Preferring firmly work to rest,
And the World Heritage Committee
To that would happily attest.
Her style one cannot but admire,
Without prejudice, of course,
For, yes, she can - put down a fire
Or stop by hand a running horse.
Good heaven gives no easy prizes,
And roads would often lead to hell.
But like the sun, she always rises.
That’s how she is –
Let’s wish her well!
