Wellness program on the Baltic coast

Author Onishchenko Tatiana


Svetlogorsk is a modern and dynamically developing resort with an extensive network of sanatoriums. In sanatoriums successfully treat diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, thyroid, and digestive, respiratory, musculoskeletal, gynecological and skin diseases. Local mineral waters and therapeutic mud used in the treatments. Mild climate and the scent of pine forests are important for recreation.

The Baltic Sea is the main wealth of Svetlogorsk. The healing sea air and picturesque landscapes attract more and more tourists every year.

Historically, the resort season lasts from 1 June to 15 September. Then the number of tourists is sharply reduced, many hotels and pensions are virtually non-functional, reducing the number of jobs. During this period, many pensions take a rest on social permits, offering them a standard set of services.

The purpose of this program is the involvement of the population for health improvement in sanatorium-resort complexes in the autumn and winter period, using the tools of physical therapy, the natural resources of the Baltic Sea (sea, air and sun baths). You must also use the geographical location of Svetlogorsk, which allows you to develop and strengthen friendly relations with neighboring States (Poland, Lithuania).

Revenues from the program will be obtained by involving different organizations (public, charitable, social), foreign companies and individuals who are interested to increase the activity and employment capacity of different sectors of the population (workers, employees, children, pensioners, etc.) by means of physiotherapy.

Recruiting and training of personnel to work in this program is an important factor. It will help create jobs, reduce unemployment and social tension in the society.

This Wellness program includes:
- Classes in therapeutic physical training;
- Training complexes of therapeutic physical training (bracing, breathing exercises, dance complexes);
- Walking with a cognitive orientation;
- Demonstrations in Poland, Lithuania;
- Contests, which are held together with foreign participants.

Potential Russian and foreign customers of the program can be:
- Persons with poor health;
- Persons after diseases, injuries and operations;
- Persons suffering from disease of the respiratory system (tuberculosis, asthma, etc.);
- Persons suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, hypotension, ischemia, etc.);
- Persons suffering from diseases of the nervous system (paresis, paralysis, cerebral palsy, etc.);
- Persons working seven days a week with high physical and intellectual stress at work, who have no opportunity for rest;
- the elderly.

The overall goals of the program
Overall goals of the program are:
-to show the public how to most effectively, with the health benefits you can use year-round natural resources of the Baltic Sea;
-to show ways to improve the quality of life in the community, creating jobs and attracting capital;
-to show opportunities for development and strengthening friendly ties with neighboring States
