

loneliness is my life,
i'll never be your wife.
you will be my death,
cause you'll take my breath.
i love just my reflection
and don't need your attention.
i don't need your love,
you'll kill me, that's enough.
i don't mind your thinking,
i wish you to be bleeding.
i won't be your toy,
you are a fucking boy.
i hate you and i'll kill you,
and i want to renew.
and may be i'll reborn
just when i am alone.

Ирина, "to be bleeding" - сильно, а "fucking boy" - вообще the best :))

Юлия Белозёрова   22.09.2020 16:48     Заявить о нарушении

Ирэн93   22.09.2020 20:20   Заявить о нарушении