Living in the small World, To Be Continued

Leaving for Punta Arenas to cross Patagonian plains
on the road to Lago de Grey in Torres del Plane

Fantastic views,  walking beneath  Cerro Paine
Join me on my road. Where are you to reign?

Somewhere in your daily life on the highway roads,
building robots and writing programming codes.

Do you want to enjoy meeting an orangutan?
Come to the Kabili-Sepilok Forest in Sandakan

Take a magnificent sweep of the skies from the mountain peaks.
It is better than watching TV in the middle Johns Creek

Rising with the sun at the Lower Tower
Where you find steps of dinosaur

Or maybe teaming up with wild creatures
And traveling to Costa Rican Pacific beaches

Hike the rim of Great Canyon
Watch the river tumbles in Yellowstone

After proper Mud Volcano area introduction
Enjoy Old Faithful geyser clockwise eruption

Let's walk through the wine areas in Pamplona,
And then travel to Gaudi Palace in Barcelona

In the Yorkshire Dales, drive to villages
Filled with pubs and timbered cottages

Hike the velvet hills and peaks Saints passed
Where poets sought refuge, and armies clashed
