Sing me

Sing me to give me serenity.
I don't know which way is right.
If I could comprehend the infinity
I'd not divide all into black and white.

Sing me to save my soul,
And drive out my inner demons.
For them I am just a goal,
They're having fun to distort my feelings.

Sing me to take away fears ,
Which I can't toss out to trash.
My internal bonfire seems,
Only an insignificant ash.

But sing me, sing me more.
Sing me, l need to hear your voice.
Sing! I had never had before ,
An occasion to make a choice.
Don't promise me in these songs
the happy life and many good friends.
And i got too many wrongs ,
it makes me think this is the end.

Sing me to give me confidence.
I can not believe in myself.
Make me a present of a dance
Which will teach me how to feel safe.

Sing me and I will be able
To live another day.
I would like to tell you,
That I'm not ok.

Sing me and i'll close my eyes.
And then will lose my whacked mind.
I think to die this way is quite nice.
I really think so. Don't you find?
