Physical therapy for the elderly
I Express my gratitude to the Department of labor and
social protection the population of Moscow for their
help and support in the development program in physical
therapy for the elderly.
Special thanks to the Moscow pensioners, who
actively attended classes in physical therapy and
executed all program requirements. Objective health
data, indicators and functional state of their health,
contributed to the choice the ideas and direction in the
development of this Wellness program.
Developed recreation complexes of exercises are the
intellectual property of the author of this program
and may only be used citing the authorship.
The exercises are in the photo and video materials for
the period from August 2014 to February 2016.
Tatiana Onishchenko.
July 2016
Physical therapy for the elderly
Author program
Onishchenko Tatiana
Trainer, exercise physiologist
July 2016.
Explanatory note
Therapeutic exercise is an integral part of sports and recreation activities aimed at improving motor activity of man. It is the primary tool in the prevention of diseases and restoration of health. It is based on the data of anatomy, physiology, hygiene, biochemistry, pedagogy, theory and methodology of physical education. Physical therapy has no contraindications to its application, since the first days of birth to old age. Human movement can and should be used in order to stimulate, develop and support its functionality. Pedagogical expediency of physiotherapy is the method of treatment uses means of physical culture with therapeutic and preventive purposes and for faster recovery of health. Therapeutic exercise is closely linked with the medical educational process, it produces in the conscious use of physical exercises, requires the performance of hygienic procedures, involves active human involvement in the regulation of its General modes, in particular modes of movements, stimulates the involved in the hardening natural factors of nature, supports the ability to work, the right attitude to life and behavior in society.
The issue of ageing was occupied by man since ancient times. The first definition of aging and its causes date back to the ancient era. The great Greek physician Hippocrates (V-IV century BC) believed old age is the result of leakage of natural heat and drying of the body. The philosopher Plato pointed out that aging particularly affects the way of life in middle age. In different years of its development the science of aging has gained new knowledge. They were created by specialists of various branches: physicians and psychologists, philosophers and biologists, psychologists and sociologists, historians and legal scholars.
During the development of the human organism from birth to adulthood, the possibilities of all the functional systems increases and reaches a peak in 20-25 years. The period from 25 to 35 years is the most stable state of functioning of all human systems. But after 35 years there is a steady loss of vitality of the body.
To 60-65 years the health and functional activity of all organs and systems is reduced. Physical activity becomes less disturbed the habitual way of life and thinking that has developed over many decades. The meaning of existence is quickly lost if you don't have to take yourself in a fist to make a living on. Active perception of reality is replaced by a sedentary lifestyle, immersion in yourself and in your "sore". The immune system is weakened if there is no struggle for "survival".
Hippocrates said, "Nothing depletes the body as physical inactivity”. Lack of exercise brings great harm, including the elderly.
Generalized scientific data show that the lack of balanced physical activity in the elderly older than 65 years accelerates the aging process and may also cause the development of many diseases.
Numerous studies show that a significant number of people have about ten diseases. There are people who have more than 10 diseases. Most often, it is hypertension, diabetes, diseases of the nervous system. (Hypertensions, diabetes, diseases of the nervous system are most often.) Circulatory disorders that cause heart disease, vision loss and depression, are often also. Almost every elderly person suffers from tooth decay, back pain or headaches. Physiological causes of human diseases connected with his General mental state.
Despite this depressing situation with the listed problems in the elderly, it is not all hopeless. The doctors indicate the need for an integrated approach in solving problems, raising questions about the quality of recreation, occupational therapy, physical and sporting loads.
A healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals and an active lifestyle are beneficial for the prevention of certain diseases and successful treatment of existing pathologies. We are not talking about radical change in this matter. Modern science and medicine focuses on prevention and relief already developed abnormalities, elimination of pain factor and help in adapting to life in society
Scientific evidence has confirmed that regular physical activity yields large and lasting benefits for the health of the elderly, slowing down the involution processes. Physically active older people are much less susceptible to common causes of death. They have a higher functional level of the cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular systems, good bone, and weight and body structure.
Plutarch said, "The Movement is pantry life." To preserve the health of the older person should follow the principle of balanced physical activity that should be available on its kinetic and dynamic characteristics. It is also necessary to consider the General regularities and individual peculiarities of organism and personality.
An important role in maintaining the health of older people plays a therapeutic exercise, which, by acting on the body by means of physical exercises, contributes to the overall strengthening of the body and allows you to maintain a fairly high level of functional activity of all organs and systems in both physical and mental terms.
Socio-psychological and biological factors influence the process of human aging. Knowing the characteristics of this influence, it is possible to make directed changes in the conditions and way of life of the elderly for a more optimal functioning of the personality. Occupation of new business, establishment of friendly contacts, the preservation of the ability to control your environment, generate satisfaction with life and increase life expectancy. Thus, it has a chilling effect on the aging process.
This program provides a comprehensive approach to the solution of psychophysiological tasks at the lessons of physical therapy by targeting cardiovascular, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system and thought processes during lessons.
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