When doctor time relieves the pain...

When doctor time relieves the pain
The worst of agony subsides
Then, only then we'll meet again
To see what happens from both sides

I'd say - i did not lose my way
I am all settled, why these talks
You'd say "I tried to drink away
The pain. It never really works."

I'd sigh - "Life does not make much sense
I have forgotten all my dreams"
You'd whisper - "But they plot offense,
The world is not the place it seems!"

I'd start to sharpen rusty sword
I'd slowly fix my broken shield
I'd give the prayer to the Lord
And call my stallion from the field

I'd ride to you to be your knight
The horse, the armour and the glow
And you'd be watching with delight
Before you strike the mortal blow

Betrayed and muttering of love
I'd choke on blood and fall on dirt
You'd shrug - "she was not good enough....
She too, she cannot not fix my hurt...

Very impressive...

Майя Лемке   22.09.2018 10:59     Заявить о нарушении
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