To Alexxx. The game in chess, зап

You said that life is the game in chess,
And God is playing and guiding,
Oh Alex, as always you are the best -
You take out the pain so lightly!

You always dazzle, and the broad light
shows scenes from unknown heavens.
There's no comparison to our dark.
they have smiling, playing wheather!

It's not inside me - it is in front,
eyelids open wide - white soul.
you give a blow upon my back,
and tell me with fist love: Go!

Oh what a gift you have - to console
in any bad situation!
New blue horizons, new lands to go,
laughter of joy and salvation!

Здравствуйте, Лиза! Светлого Вам творчества и светлой осени. С любовью - Вера.

Вера Половинко   28.09.2016 20:31     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо, Вера!

Елизавета Судьина   13.03.2023 09:48   Заявить о нарушении