The Frog Island - E

                To my father

I remember how we went a-roaming under the pine trees.
That was in the suburban Vorsel,  and I was about seven, or eight.
We came to a forest lake, with an island right in the middle,
Covered with a thick growth.  We thought
It was uninhabited,  so wild and unapproachable it seemed.
The island was circular, with tall pines in the middle.
You took the boat and we set sailing. Upon landing,
We saw myriads of frogs jumping in synch
From the periphery of the island;
That was so beautiful and sudden.
The island happened to be inhabited !
I remember you said then: “It's The Frog Island”.
(First English words ever heard by me)
Later, there should be Robinson Crusoe, The Treasure Island,
L’ile mysteriouse…
