My darling, I'm begging you!
My darling, hear me pray!
Pull me out of this hell
And take me with you, away...
I live here - an exile
Here, in a stranger land
My beloved, my longed for
Everything has changed.
It was just a moment
A fleeting second in time
You touched a computer mouse
And connected with me online.
I replied at once
I felt a strand of warmth
Our hearts pounded,
We exchanged kind words.
Every word – love,
Every word – kindness.
Every word - hope
That I can love again.
That it will be mutual
That I will get so much...
I cannot be alone,
I'm drwoning in tears now.
Take me with you, my love
As you stand on the edge.
Plese, take me to heaven -
I've already been in hell.
AP (the original version – ru)
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