No sunshine for the blind

There is no sunshine for the blind
And there's no music for the deaf
There is no reason to be kind
To ones who put you to their laugh

Some people tend to be upset
If you are more than they can be
So they will treat you like a threat
And try to hang you on a tree

Your virtues will become your flaws
Your kindness will be something weak
Where instincts are the only laws
The power's only thing they seek

Well, everyone will have their needs
But there are ones you don't believe
So why to throw your precious seeds
To soil that doesn't let them live?

Stay with the ones who have respect
And be with those you really like
Where conversations are correct
And no one has to dodge and strike

Good friendship is so hard to find
But you'll have freedom to your breath
Can't show the sunshine to the blind
Can't play the music to the deaf

Good deep philosophy. Need to be include into "Wice thought".

Виктори Мердок   06.04.2018 20:05     Заявить о нарушении
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