
Nice biomechanics is wonderful sphere!
How much this is framework have knowledge of fear.
I take for example so beautiful term one,
You may be it met through the jump or on berm run.

I talk about balance, you listen I know,
Especially when you a child and grow.
Ability this to maintain one huge center,
In body one line, of the energy sender!

Important is sway, one fantastical movement,
The center of mass, our body improvement.
Inevitable due to small perturbations,
You find this problem in any of nations.

Maintain this requires  a lot of the system.
How system is called know the lady and mister.
The sense must detect spatial orientation,
Here matter base point, have vast domination!

And from the environment factors affected
Such as light condition or floor, infected
The ear of man, that can made something better.
And now is complete and can send this is letter

To all in the world. I hope read you good message,
And all of the word will have marvelous passage!
How much of the time you spend now on the reading?
I looking forward to this process will fleeting
