Wonderful chemical reaction


That's what love does with me
Wild rivalry of elements inside me
My heart pounding unceasingly
My brain keeps wanting something urgently
My body shivers, my soul confused in bliss.
Oh God! Minute by minute, inside
There are miracles happening, one by one
The matter of love, beauty, and my soul's song
Pride, snobbery, loftiness aren't here no more
I can see and hear while asleep
My brain yielded and works at full capacity
All the time it keeps whispering to me:
'You'll be together for sure, you'll see!'
The pulse of life changed its course in me,
In a wonderful chemical reaction, amazingly
Cold, hard ice melted inside of me.
Within my body butterflies and bees
In a tireless frenzy, through an amorous prism
Create a flavourous honey, lovingly.


AP (the original version – ru)
