We will keep on living! Go On!


Oh God! I can see from the distance
That you are excited again
And I am in a state of shock…
I’m thinking, I’m wondering until the night comes
Why is fate punishing us so hard?
I think that nobody wants me, nobody dreams of me.
I think something consumes you from inside
Some kind of fear makes you lose your mind
Maybe it’s because of all the crooked smiles around.
I think you feel this pressure, it's bringing you down
I used to have so much of you, my love
Now so little is left, oh God!…

In this yearning I live, but it’s like being dead.
I’m losing my patience, my strength
When we don’t speak for a long time.
Oh how my soul weeps when we’re apart
I know, it’s not your fault at all.
I can see your heart is broken too
And only then I realize
Someone is trying to harm you
Again, all the way through.
The place you are now is your refuge
You’re forced to suffer in solitude.
Your salvation is hidden, in your dreams, with me.

Be strong, soon your problems will go away
Time will heal all your pain…
They won’t suck out all you noble blood
This puritan establishment scum
They play football with your fate
Attacking and scoring a goal straight into your heart
Someone can do the corner kick, and….
It’ll be over, just like that.
Be strong, don’t let them roil your blood
Remember, you are not alone,
There’s your beloved one by your side.
She’ll soothe your pain and your anger, once again.

We survived hard times, because we were together!
Remember our bridge of love? Remember how it was?
And those butterflies.., remember the spark between us?
Remember what we dreamt of in the night?
How we sought each other every day,
How we lived each other, day by day
How close we were, how strong was our love
And today, it’s even stronger, and it’ll never let us down.
You still love me, and I love you madly
And there shouldn’t be such force in this world, ever
That won’t let us be together.
Tell me, can’t we do it, and stay like this forever?

I also have something to say, my love:
‘’The only thing left for us is this final toll,
We’ll survive together, and we’ll live on and on. Go On!



AP (the original version – pl)
