A tribute to the Soviet flag

Перевод стихотворения Тихонова Николая Семёновича "Советский флаг"1937 г.
The flag, so full of flame,
Is glaring like the dawn,
Three golden merits full of fame –
The hammer  -labor to adorn,-
The sickle and the five-pointed star
The symbols of the country are.
The people’s enemy was smitten
With mighty people’s hand.
The flag is hoisted as the glittering
Star of the hundred nations’ land,-
The highest point, the deepest down,
The furthermost latitude glide,-
In every field and every town,
In ocean waves it is our guide!
It is the greeting to mankind,-
There isn’t simpler than that kind;
It’s our glory made of fire,-
Red-hot and fierce to admire;
It is the light which smashes Powers,-
There’s none as mighty as the one of ours;
It is the blood our people shed,-
The truth of the quick and the dead.
