Ancient God

An ancient god has risen from the deep
Revealing secrets he was bound to keep
A shock of terror caused my heart to chill
I was the one who summoned him by will

He told me things I never heard before
He said that gods have always been at war
They find their powers in the human mind
So we're by nature linked with their kind

The days of older mysteries are gone
All gods of old are left to fade alone
New people pray to gods that they invent
And no one knows the way this world has went

When it emerged, creators disappeared
And thus the path for other gods was cleared
With myriads of beings in this world
Resembling powers that forever hurled

I felt so dizzy, wobbly and weak
That lost my breath and couldn't even speak
There was much more he showed me in this scene
That view has made me perfectly serene

This spirit spoke its last entrusting word:
Reality is fluid and obscured
One never really dies, but wanders on
To find a shape but always be undone

I find it hard to properly express
How my emotions trembled in excess
It felt like happened nothing of the odd
I was the last to ever see a god

Глубоко написано и прекрасный уровень владения языком
Amazing Pleasure!

Лана Загора   05.06.2017 08:07     Заявить о нарушении
И тема не избитая, автор прекрасно ее раскрывает

Лана Загора   05.06.2017 08:08   Заявить о нарушении
Благодарю вас за внимание.

Ротор Статор   05.06.2017 10:38   Заявить о нарушении
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