Some tips to win a girl

Men, I' ll tell you what to do
If you want to win a lady
First, the hardest thing for you,
Is to forget about... (Ready..?)
All the comfortable things -
Now the real life begins!

Don't be Mr. Lazy-bones
Lift your bottom from the bed.
Put away your new iphones
And switch off the tv set

Come to bathroom, shave (at last)
I hope this won't make you stop.
Next you buy (Your money! Blast!)
Her some flowers in the shop.

Then you ought to be polite
During all the date with her
If it's not love at first site
You will have some further work.

Be good-natured, but not simple
Say sweet words, but do not flatter
But if she has got a pimple
Never talk about this matter.

When you kiss you must be gentle
And passionate at the same time
(Is it possible to handle?
If it's not - then never mind)

If the girl says she's not ready
Don't be stubborn, and relax
She' s not you, she is a lady.
Love doesn't always equal sex.

When at last you are together
Now you are to face the worst
She will always want new dresses
(Do you know how much they cost?)

She will always read your mail,
Spy, suspect, try to control
Your life won' t be a fairy-tale
(Do you want it after all?)

You must stand her being naughty,
You must say she is the best.
Even when your wife is forty
And her fat conceals the waist.

It is hard to win her love.
Read the lines that are above!
Are you ready for this pain?
"Ready?!" - Read them once again. :)
