The hungarian opinion
In clear opinion of Istvan Szabo's about this full fears time, when madjars has a possibility to be a free from tranquille and power, from powerty of minds and like each other manners, speechs, talks on phone, inside home, from racing for a carriere, from debats about costs and checks, from ambuse addictive things, from fly-lies and hard-truth, from crushes into homes and screams on the streets, from civil wars and provocations.
In the one event-cinema-life "Father" we can see this types in railways which went forwards in future, where remembrances always keep tears into eyes, where meeting with good man might changed the life of one little boy who lived without real senses of the human being, without sacrifice of real understanding loosen things, where you lose so many: trust, love, freedom, good humans, good talks from which you can get and put a real truth of relations as into scenes "Love" and after 40 years mix of feelings in cinema-relation from Mikhael Khaneke when you can understand: "the distance lie between borders and if you may destroy this borders, you can to be a happy."
The Father (time of memories, the time of mersifulness) return and stay near homes trying to see one little boy (future) in so many windows, on railways between so many trains (are you here?), into all your rooms (remember me?), into your childhood's with books and learning/teaching your type's to be a good person. Will you know how much a good humans change from this years trough troubles and treating things? How much good humans has a doubts in own government, own power, desires to the life, doubts in own hands? How much killed themselves and stayed unknown persons? How much makes a murderness, drugs-traffic, rebuild a air-type castles and died without trust in own dreams? How much childrens live now as without real understanding tragedy of own peoples, comminities in so cruel 20-th century?
The old communist systhem still work and keep peoples into fears as a democraty which makes a peoples crazy and cruel too.
The newconservatic ideas from 40-th 20 century's to nova-days - it is a big matherial for learning of our cruel and unjustice history from "Reader" where you can feel a tragedy of the many peoples and nationalities who was in fire, in wars with murderness and principles of JUSTICE to "Jizn drugih" where you try fix and make a foxuse on few minutes of the tragic silence.
Wrongs, political and inform-disorientation, candidates in zombies, not understanding autocrushes with celebrities and politiques, murderness politiques in 30-th, in 50-60-th, 80-90 th of the 20-th century's, civil wars as element of export democracy without good-will relations between humans and communities, impossible tasks for rebuilding new world order and business with crops and drops of the innocent blood The "Father. Diary of the one trust/beliefe" - it is talk about life-long events without illusions for parents and not interesting slow as bubble-gum cinema for nova-childs.
The "Colonel Riddle", "Mefisto", "Father", "Cinema about love", "Doors" as a cinematic circle of Agneska Holland show to us a danger of plays with human opinion. Into many opinion we can see a hungarian opinion about fight for ideas and dreams on the wrong or right ways.
Now humans live and try to be a happy, but without a good humans they can not feel a differense and so peoples have a every genres.
Stupids can laugh and smile but we need a serious understanding of real time which same bosses try repeat make us a crazies and gave a bad feelings.
Need a time for understanding, need a time for find lost generations in every genres and their crimes or wrongs.
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