Love and the Beautiful West. The path to Iamentet

And my dreams about the Duat
Will be scattered like crumbs of Light,
Until I reach the fields of Ialu;
There are many years to come and pass by,
Many years and doubts await ahead,
But somewhere You drew the border,
And the beginning of my beautiful madness
Is marked with a very thin line of Your pen

(-Is everything as you ever wanted?
- Everything is as You knew it, and You wanted it;
as it's written in the Book
and in the routing-tables of the Universe...)

The timetable of phone calls
Corresponds to the movements of the stars,
And the sailings of celestial boats of the Constellations
Are mirrored on Earth...
There is the White Cypress,
There is the Bridge over the Abyss,
There is the Night of my Initiations
And the world that would never be like before, again.

Breaking the curtain
And throwing off the Veil from the Mystery, -
I will follow You,
O Star of Unfading Light,
Green Moon and White Moon...
And at the moment whenever the heart
Will keep silence, frightened
And seek for the justifications
In the words of the Declaration-of-Innocence...

Be with me, as You know
In the day of my judgement, I want to remember
Hermopolis and Amarna
And all the moments of our first meetings.

The Infinity of Your Holy Names -
The Thought that creates the World,
Vowed from human fates, and hopes, and sufferings,
And from our searching for Faith...

Was my Choice just coincidence,
Or was my path predetermined
And laid off, and calculated,
And measured with the divine cubit rod of Yours?..


Original in russian:
// Artwork (c) by Hypernosis
