How can I live without you?
How can I live without you now?
What must I do, my friend?
Where is the beauty of our love?
Where is the warmth of your hands?
Where is this sun, that kept us warm
Giving youth to my soul?
Where is this heart, that wanted
To love me more and more?
How can I live, when you're not with me
Reading something by the fireplace?
What can I do, when in times of turmoil
You avoid me, like a passerby?
How do I live without your emails,
Without your letters and words?
How do I begin each new day,
When you gave me your love and touched my soul?
How can I not run to you on Skype
Every morning, still half-dreaming?
How can I not tremble, forgetting about
The existence of time?
How can I not see 'ku ku ku, my love'
And drink the elixir of your words?
What can I do, my beloved one
How can I live without you?
How can I not share your concerns
Lies, betrayal and pain? How can I stay away?
Call me and I'll come, and our mutual love
Will overcome your nightmare.
Oh how I love you! My soul is with you
Praying to God, crying...
In my dreams I lead you out
Of the noise of your misfortunes.
How can I fill your life with happiness,
So that you can be yourself again?
So that you know your soul to the fullest
To be loved – I want you to understand what it means
To understand in your heart what love is!!!
AP (the original version – ru)
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