My Holy Monkeys Land

Oh, thanks my Lord! I’ve found my lane…
I do appreciate this trend –
Thou tookst my soul, Thou tookst my brain,
And put me in the Monkeys’ Land.

I knew, Charles Darwin was quite right 
(But finally, he changed his mind) 
Just with direction was confused –
Therefore, this theory is used

To be today so obsolete
(It doesn’t help to make an omelette).
But I've discovered the paradigm,
Although it’s not so in my line:

Attention! Apes descend from man!
(Committed suicide old Ham…)
You would more obvious understand,
If you'd arrive in Holy Land.

Oh Holy Land, oh Holy Land!
Blue sky and yellow holy sand –
This country always waits for you,
If you some way descend from Jew.

The Holy Land is so distinct!
Behave according to instinct,
Do not consider gender, age –
Don't be polite in monkeys' cage!

Just make your pee at crowded street,
Just walk in summer – almost stripped,
Just speak “full volume” – even scream,
Just walk across the traffic stream…

Oh, Holy Land, oh Holy Land –
The human's garbage mixtures blend…
Excuse me, Lord! Forgive me, G-d!
I must be obviously awed…

I love this country, but I can't
Live – oh, my G-d, in Monkeys' Land!
I wish the humans be a man –
I ask, my Lord, remind to them:

Oh, Jews, oh people of the Bible,
The ancient nation, not the tribe,
Don't be like monkeys – be a man,
Like our sages, like Abraham…

Oh thanks my Lord! I’ve found my lane…
I do appreciate this trend…
But cries my soul, and suffers my brain
In this so Holy Monkeys’ Land…

The photo is made by the author.

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