1. Generals of Civil War I

Generals of Civil War I - betrayed by allies


Not yet insignia's ripped off
And the regiments aren't shot
Not yet in red, but still in green
The field at river is appeared
They're all today in different ages
But their fate's already sealed
They are not yet the generals,
Not their war is gonna lose*

They only have a short one moment               
For glory after victories in fights

Sentimentality of beauty
Admiredly glances toward them
As always on the triumphal parades       
They are awarded the positions and ranks       
But all these scenes are so fatal,
So their faces are so pale.


Intoxicated land and bloody
Whether you sing or howl as wolf
Rossiya-matushka, my beauty
What are doing with me?!

In fire photo albums and heirloom
In the fireplaces on hot coals,
The last resort - Ipatiev House
Already radiates the fear
Already messiah descended,
And his intentions are well pure.
Her eternal cross' bearing Russia,
And crosses added recently in mind
Just yesterday - exquisite dandies,
Today they Knights of Holy War
They are not yet in immigration
They still are her beloved sons.
But life is gone, as never happened
It did not leave at least a trace.
On horizon was burning out
Their life-guiding and bright star.

Intoxicated land and bloody
Whether you sing or howl as wolf
Rossiya-matushka, my beauty
What are you doing with me?!

Last shot with heart got deadly crossed
Inexorable is farewell glance
But diaries of loving women
That for descendants will restore.
O-oh, my God, what would've been with us,
Today, when all of that was not in vain ...
Whenever mind was not eclipsed
By dawn that steady red over Kremlin ?!

Intoxicated land and bloody
Whether you sing or howl as wolf
Rossiya-matushka, my beauty
What are doing with me?!

Intoxicated land and bloody
Whether you sing or howl as wolf
Rossiya-matushka, my beauty
What are you doing with me?!

the another last romantic ©, Los Angeles, CA 2014

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