Girl in the Sky

I saw the girl was floating high,
I need to ask her name,
An' what she's doing in the sky,
An' how to be the same...

The amber colored Montgolfier
Was chasing air's streams,
The orange gleams played everywhere,
Like fairy moths it seemed.

I had to know a lot of things
From this amazing girl,
I hoped she holds all secrets in...
'Cause traveled all the World.

An' from the deck of wonder-ship
She sees behind the line,
Where Sun goes down onto the trip
With dreams of sacred guide.

Such were my thoughts, and rising gaze
Was aiming Great Balloon...
An' desperate need to find the ways
To sent a call-sign tune.
The gust of wind was blowing out
This vision off my eyes,
Had nailed my questions to the ground -
My chance to be the wise.

And left no wondered - such can be,
Winds often change their breath.
Not any try was made by me -
My hopes had flown west.

But had I chance? - I cried the Lord:
So high above the lands
Her way was passing... Sudden saw
The trumpet in my hands.

How could forget about my brass,
This horn would blare so loud!?
May all the deeds of my own past,
Went under fear of sound?

Which kind of demon cursed my will,
Was vanished in the vain?
Mine coward «me» can't break the seal,
That fastened mental chains.
Follow the Sun - around the World,
Still rambling different lands,
To meet the only Girl I roam
With trumpet in my hands.
