pen your name, J

“did you know that if you fold
a piece of paper,
you can’t fold a piece of paper
more than 7 times.
like any piece of paper”
- an extract from bertie gilbert video.

to J.

people may fold just like paper
when their strength is paper-thin,
it’s so easy to crumble.
for you to remember I will rumble
that no paper can be folded more than 7 times -
there is always a limit to those things
that make you crunch, clutch and other much,

take the paper sheet and be brave.
fetch as many as you can carry.
take a pen, a pencil, whatever you crave.
write it all down, no matter how scary.

in big cursive letters pen your name.
may they all think it’s just a game.
cover them with your creativity flow.
fold them 7 times and let. them. go.
