Томас Гуд. Пора цветенья роз

Не в холода и стужу
Любовь настигла нас,
Цвели в ту пору розы,
Мы рвали их смеясь.

Бровей не хмурит, повстречав
Любовников, весна.
Цветами их венчает
Земля, восстав от сна.

Объятий нам не разомкнуть,
Хоть ночи близок час.
Цвели в ту пору розы,
Мы рвали их смеясь.

Thomas Hood. It was the time of roses

It was not in the winter
Our loving lot was cast;
It was the time of roses,
We plucked them as we passed!

That churlish season never frowned
On early lovers yet!
O, no - the world was newly crowned
With flowers when first we met.

'Twas twilight, and I bade you go,
But still you held me fast;
It was the time of roses,
We plucked them as we passed!
