Tell me...
Tell me, have I ever made you sad?
Did you regret our moments together, were they dull?
Did you think this time was wasted?
With me, have you ever been unsatisfied?
When I loved you, did it make you displeased?
Have you ever felt lonely?
Was it easier to bear this nightmare with me?
Did God hear your soul’s scream?
Did he not send you my soul as a gift?
Did he ever felt remorse?
Wasn’t he adored by all?
After that, didn’t he suffer so greatly?
Weren’t our fractured souls mired in something?
Or was it shut within our bodies’ walls?
Isn’t our love a salvage for us now?
Don’t we love each other so divinely in our dreams?
Don’t we yearn to greet each other with a kiss?
Do you want to end it all, cause a collapse?
Or do you want to live in truth, find a courage and propose?
Have you found the way from words to actions?
AP (the original version – pl)
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