Перси Шелли Правосудье - Возмущение Ислама

Перси Б. Шелли Правосудье (из поэмы "Возмущение Ислама" ["The Revolt of Islam"])

И это - "правосудье"? Кто из них
Не возжелал другому боли втайне?
Ах, все чисты? Хотя б один постиг
Свою личину! Главное старанье
Здесь - подавлять. Их "кроткий" глаз, заране
Упрятав злобу, лицемерью служит.
Такие не чисты! Любви сиянье -
Вот правосудье, добродетель мужа –
Не мщение, не злоба и не ужас.

                Санкт-Петербург, 7 февр. 2016г.

Percy Bysshe Shelley From THE REVOLT OF ISLAM (A poem in twelve cantos)
[Composed in the neighbourhood of Bisham Wood, near Great Marlow, Bucks, 1817 (April-September 23); printed, with title (dated 1818), "Laon and Cythna; or, The Revolution of the Golden City: A Vision of the Nineteenth Century", October, November, 1817, but suppressed, pending revision, by the publishers, C & J. Ollier. Published, with a fresh title-page and twenty-seven cancel-leaves, as "The Revolt of Islam", January 10, 1818. Sources of the text are (1) "Laon and Cythna", 1818; (2) "The Revolt of Islam", 1818; (3) "Poetical Works", 1839, editions 1st and 2nd—both edited by Mrs. Shelley.]


'What call ye "justice"? Is there one who ne'er
In secret thought has wished another's ill?--
Are ye all pure? Let those stand forth who hear
And tremble not. Shall they insult and kill,               _2020
If such they be? their mild eyes can they fill
With the false anger of the hypocrite?
Alas, such were not pure!--the chastened will
Of virtue sees that justice is the light
Of love, and not revenge, and terror and despite.'    _2025
