The herald of divine

I dream...
One night become a wizard.
To cast and mesmerize
With words the minds of people.
To show everyone the beauty
Of the hidden worlds.

With words to fathom depths.
To show miracles of heights and oceans
That I can see in dreams of gods.
To cleanse the darkness
With the lambent moons and stars.
With pearls on bottom of the seas and rivers
Reveal the secret ways of cunning sages.

The crumbled ruins of the castles
Will rise and shine again in light of dawn.
I read in hearts of deities and dragons.
And rainbows shine high in the sky
Just by my words. All by my spells.
Just listen to my voice,
Just listen to my voice!
You"ll see and feel the sacred mystery
In my enlightened mind.

I dream...
To cast and mesmerize,
To show miracles and fathom depths.
To cleanse the darkness
Of the crumbled ruins.
To read in hearts of deities and dragons,
To shine high in the sky
And feel the sacred mystery
In your enlightened minds.

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Дмитрий Жуков 6   20.04.2016 16:50     Заявить о нарушении