Aleksander Blok - In solid grass you will perish

In solid grass you will perish straight,
To a still house,  you come mute …
She’ll embrace you, enmesh with a plait
Saying, - Welcome, knight.

- Here  – a bush of the roses white.
- Here  - the ivies lately weaved.
- Where you've been?  What news brought?
- Who loves us,  who loves not?

And forget you that days are sped,
And forgive those proud and mean.
And see  - the clouds a-rise ahead,   
And listen - to the songs of a distant land  …

Weeps the heart over foreign bounds,
Yearns for a battle – lures and calls…
Only says she:  Farewell. Come back.
And again the bell in the grass tolls…

*  *  *
В густой траве пропадешь с головой

