Somewhere where the twin soul is...

Творческий перевод моего текста "Там где душа-близняшка"
Буду признательна критике.

You are surrounded of people which worship you,
They follow you wherever you go,
They are so proud to be someone next to you,
They boast of every stolen photo shoot.

To you all glory and prize for award,
Below of them are heavy labour and the load of fame,
But only you can know it,
And far from all, you worry for your fragile world.

You crave of silence and quietness,
You are dreaming your mate soul,
With her you are pure and ugly,
With her you can feel anymore not lone.

She will understand you and will accept,
So as you are, without excess words or explanations,
She will hold you to her chest in tight hug,
Without claim back any kind of conveniences.

She will smile to you through her eyes,
Her hand will cherish you on cheek,
She like a mother will praise you
For simple drawing on sand with twig.

In that dream you are so much happy,
Wish a lot to extend more that night,
But alas, there is not always real
To be happy for true in the life.

You wake up and your face is smiling,
You drink some mix of the coffee in water,
Look outside on your pool in the park of garden,
Figure out to have been just in dream.

But your twin soul to matching with you
Somewhere really exists in this world,
You don’t guess that she dreamed too,
But your fate isn't so lucky to let her to be with you.

Look for her in your dreams,
Vainly, you will spent all your force on search,
In this your brilliant life on the red carpet,
Graybeard God doesn’t gave her to you in gift.
