
“White ash amid funeral cypresses”
 Hilda "H.D." Doolittle (September 10, 1886 – September 27, 1961)

To make the best of dash,
To wipe our feet upon white ash,
To lay beauty amid funeral cypresses,
You ought to find a man Paris.

To the waves dashed over the rocks,
To sufferings were on world’s rock,
To get round with the burning out the fort Trojan,
You must go for the best the king Priam.

To rock-star Helen, who is so beautiful and wan,
Zeus fined a trick to transfer himself into a red swan,
To white-face Helen became a daughter of Zeus,
He coupled with Greek godless of retribution – Nemesis.

To save the power city Troy,
We should be destroy Splendor , Love, Myth, and Joy!

Works cited: Wikipedia.org/wiki/Priam
September 15, 2012
