There s Nothing Better than a Rainy Weather...

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There’s nothing better than a rainy weather – 
As cloudy and rainy as today – 
When all our feelings seem to be untethered,
When all our thoughts appear to be astray.

When our craving hearts are crying, crying …
And no one can help to stop that cry.
When our pearly tears are clarifying
Our souls – like rain clears up the sky.

We’re sitting at our homes, at the windows
With misty, rainy, and so soothing view.
And I am wondering why we are exscinded
And can’t help thinking only of you.

I know you, too, want to be near me, honey.
It seems that through the rain I hear your pace.
We both feel that soon it will be sunny –
You’ll come to me, you’ll kiss me, and embrace …


[From the unpublished album “Deep Rainbowed Angelaria”]

It's an opposite: -
Eurythmics - Here Comes The Rain Again
Positive - the next time!

This time:
О хорошем думать, о хорошем говорить ...
2023 01 29 01:53
