Бумажный солдат

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Long time ago, here live one boy,
He was the solder bravest
But he was just the child’s toy
Because he made from paper.

He had a purpose – change the world,
And make everyone happy.
But he was hanging on the wall,
Because he made from paper.

He wanted  dye, to save your life,
He was the greatest, may be…
But you just looked on him an laugh
Because he made from paper.

You didn’t talk with him at all,
About secrets any.
I asked you why? You answered: «So…
Because he made from paper»

He wanted destiny from book
And real life, not safety.
But once the fire he was looked,
Forgot that made from paper.

He found way, and go to it,
Because he was the bravest.
And then burned down he for free,
As anything that’s paper. 
