You re a star

It might be hard to tell the truth
When everybody lies.
It might be hard to be yourself
When no one thinks you're nice.
It's not that easy to forgive
And to forget the past.
Sometimes it's scary to take risks,
But you're a star, keep up!

It's challenging to walk alone
The whole way to your dream,
When you are not supposed to know
Who you were meant to be.
It's painful to discover that
The one you loved has gone,
And feelings never were sincere…
But you're a star, hold on!

It will require a lot of strength
To save your faith in kind.
It needs the will to go ahead
And to make up your mind.
But you are capable of it;
You can reach things so far.
And finally you'll change the world
Cause you're a shining star!

October 24 2015
