You I

You… I… You… I…

A silent whisper of the soul
Is bursting night like an arrow.
The heart is now set on fire;
Nothing can help it.
The wind on its wings
Brings me a new myth.
I wish I could knew
What's waiting for us;
I wish I forgot
What was long ago
As if I was dreaming
Or watching a movie
With an unusual action:
All heroes are disappearing
When hardly had they
Written their speeches.

You… I… You… I…

It's not so easy to stop
Or start it over, you know.
I don't say I am bored.
I don't say I am tired.
But I still can tell
What was going with me,
And that you'll be forever
My passionate hero.
You'll be my wishes' hero,
My fairytale's hero.
Now we're left face to face:
Let's put off the masks!
So, I'm gonna tell
What I know for sure,
I'll tell what I want,
What I'm dreaming about.

You… I… You… I…

You should've not thought
I was able to change:
A bird in a cage
Ain't stop being bird.
She remembers the sky
And knows how to fly;
She knows how it hurts
To lose all her freedom.
Though I'm not a bird
And not easy to catch,
I can't understand
How you've managed to get me.
I'm bound to you…
Don't really know why.
And it was me whispering:
You… I… You & I.

September 16 2015


В субботу 22 февраля состоится мероприятие загородного литературного клуба в Подмосковье в отеле «Малаховский дворец». Запланированы семинары известных поэтов, гала-ужин с концертной программой.  Подробнее →