Gloomy sea

I’m here for the first time.
And every muscule of my body
Feel that it’s exactly mine:
Such beauty – marvellous and goldy.

The sun is up to rise and shine,
Sunbeams are creeping out the sea.
The early morning’s full of fine,
Despite the darkness, fog and wind.

The gloomy sky will overshadow
My thoughts that did’t sleep at night.
It will be symbol of a ladder
In such a colour – deep and light.

The ladder from the past to future,
The ladder to my life-time dream.
It will assist in healing suture
From all that ache that used to be. 

I will remember it forever,
Such gorgeous and stately view.
This noisy silence, deep and clever,
Will stay by me as perfect lure.

I can feel this cold wind and the heat from the first sun's rays...It's a very good poem, thank you

Найдина Маргарита   27.03.2016 18:07     Заявить о нарушении