
Everyone's haunted,
Everyone's mad,
Even that chick carries hell in her head

All seeking wisdom
And all seeking fame -
All will have lived their lives in vain

You crave catharsis
Or infinite love
But every time drift back to everyday life

Life, an accident,
Life, a spasm,
Reflex contractions of protoplasm

All is determined,
All is preset,
Whatever you do, you keep losing the bet

Time's a flat circle
And so is your path,
You've been through this many times in the past

Treat it as suffering,
Treat it as fun -
From the very beginning it's doomed and done

Now you've got it,
The truth that's old:
One kind of shit is another of gold

And now it strikes you,
Stark and crude:
Nothing ain't gonna do no good

That's how you're fucked,
That's how you're free:
To know it's the same - to fight or flee

Whatever you're high on -
Math or meth -
It makes no difference after your death

Loose, foul peace
Or a cleansing war -
All is made void through this metaphor

You scratch the surface
Or dig to the core -
All just converges to this metaphor

And be you a saint
Or be you a whore -
They're sides of one dime in this metaphor

Nothing is changing,
No one is saved,
Sick for the stars, stuck in the cave

And all the King's horses
And all the King's men
Loop over this circle again and again

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