
During all my sleepless nights
I penetrate lonely heart
And descry your sheeny eyes
In the brightest distant stars.

Silver shadows, broken lights
Twinkle at a breakneck pace
On the thin deceitful ice,
Where I discern your face.

In the flying yellow leaves
It keeps dark your hair's shine
And the flutter of your eaves...
I'm still drowning in this brine.

Coral lips and charming gaze...
You have pierced right through me.
But as time has gone by, blase
Made you hurt, desert, vex me.

Pieces you have left behind
Cause immitigable pain,
And my tortured soul reminds:
You will break my heart again.

When I twig your ardent eyes
In the shine of distant stars,
Your reflection at all times
Bears me the deepest scars.

Иллюстрация Akseli Gallen-Kallela "The Lovers"

Thank you for so wonderful poem! You are very talented! I admire you!
I liked this poem very much!
I wish you health,luck,enormous hapiness and love!
Вы молодец, что пишете стихи на иностранных языках!!!

Внезапное Вдохновение   24.03.2016 17:09     Заявить о нарушении
Внезапное Вдохновение, огромное Вам спасибо! Мне очень приятно

Найдина Маргарита   27.03.2016 18:36   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 3 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.